Tuesday 8 December 2009


Bonjour. I'm at college right now and I've been writing for quite a while. I seem to have reached that point where you just keep repeating yourself over and over again. I must have talked about how I want to use origami birds in my photoshoot about 6 thousand times. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. Just let me go home. I have about fifteen minutes left to go and all I really want is to go home and eat. I've literally ate a sausage and bacon sandwich today, and that is all. Oh, and a crisp. This day has gone at a snail's pace and I really can't take it anymore. I have a stupid book cover project due in next week and I have to work on Saturday and I think soon I will just combust. Let's just hope that when I get home tonight that my putting-the-film-in-the-camera skills are not too rusty, otherwise, I am officially screwed. Crycrycry. I'm going to go and boil my head now, Ciao for now xo

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